Coding Games
CSS Games
- Flexbox Zombie is (mostly) free game for learning CSS flexbox layout.
- CSS Diner teaches you CSS Selectors
- Flexbox defence is a flexbox game for learning CSS flexbox.
- Flexbox froggy
Javascript learning games
- Elevator SageElevator programming game
- Codewars is a code quiz & best practices learning service for professional developers.
- JsDares is a collection of JS game examples / way to share JS games.
- Odin project
- coderbyte
- WarriorJs §Code your way through dungeons.
- JSisweird is a quiz on weird parts of JS
- Grid Critter is (paid) a game for learning CSS grid
- Codewars is a code quiz & best practices learning service for professional developers.
- Odin project
Typescript learning games
Python learning game
- Python challenge
- CheckiO
- Codewars is a code quiz & best practices learning service for professional developers.
Java learning game
.net learning game
Vim learning game
- Code Hunt Game
- Project Euler
- Codinggame is a way to improve programming skills by programming games
- Untrusted
- Crunchilla
- Screeps MMO Sandbox game for programmers
- Scratch
Online challenges / security / puzzles
- Online challenges
- more online challenges